Monday, March 28, 2011

This Is What A Tirade Looks Like!

I can't let this pass.  I wish I could.  Really I do.  But I heard a news item on the radio this morning that picked my interest and got home to do a little research.  My feathers are so ruffled I have to vent....

There is a new restaurant coming to Dallas!  Woohooooo!

Except. Ummm no.

This restaurant is called "Heart Attack Grill."  I have to admit, the guy is genius.  The waitresses dress as nurses, they take your order on Rx pads, they give you a wrist hoochie that has your order on it to ID you,  the cooks wear scrubs.  The offerings are entitled, "Flatline fries" fried in pure lard (!) and the burgers are called bypass burgers. You can have a single bypass, double, triple or quadruple bypass burger.  The shakes are boasting the highest butterfat ice cream available, and even the owner says he stays away from them.

Oh and get this:  if you weigh in before you order, and you tip the scale at +350, you win!  You get to eat for free, so long as you order the triple or quadruple bypass burger, which sports an unbelievable 8000 (that's eight thousand) calories.

The company spokesperson, 29 year old Blair River, can't work for them anymore.  Because he stinking DIED.  575 pound - 29 year old young man - DIED.  As in, dead.  In the ground.

I'm horrified that there are THAT many people out there that have the "don't give a rips."  (Actually, if you know me at all, you know I"m cleaning this up.  If there's ever an appropriate time to use the 'don't give a sh*t' phrase, it would be here.)  I'm speechless that ANYONE would order a burger that has more calories than most people eat in days. I'm sputtering that, despite all the information to the contrary, someone would ADVERTISE that they fry in LARD.

People, people, people.  Please reassure me that the world hasn't spun off it's axis.  Please tell me this sort of restaurant, serving folks and their kids, will keep you up tonight.

And to the owner....who laughs it off saying that people are so tired of having healthy food "crammed down their throats," shame on you.

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