Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy Spring Break!

Ok, so maybe in your grown-up-ness, you don't get that little buzz when the thought of SPRING BREAK floats by, but it never, ever fails.  The month of March sets my foot tapping because I know that somewhere hidden in the middle, there's a whole week's worth of nothing on my mind but facing no responsibilities, no deadlines, no lingering "I shoulds";  I only have the "I want to's," or the "I get to's."

Oh wait.  I don't get Spring Break anymore.  Dang it.  My very generous, understanding employer doesn't recognize this holiday.  Bummer.  But try as I might, I can't keep the attitude down just because the boss makes me show up for work.

What does this have to do with healthy eating and good food choices, you ask?'s a leap, but I want to talk to you about how important our attitudes are when it's time to eat.  Let's talk about the "I want to," or the "I get to" as it relates to our food choices.

You are the only one who chooses what you put in your mouth, and how much you put in there.  No one has the right or the claim to decide for you.  You are always in charge.  No one is watching; no one is judging; no one really even cares. (They are too busy thinking about themselves, right?)

So do you have Spring Break mind when you eat?  That attitude that you don't have to do anything you don't want to?  Do you have the "give up"-itis:  That "oh well" sinking feeling that you can't do anything about your size or your cholesterol or your blood pressure because you are overwhelmed at the task?

You can open any book of inspirations and read a zillion quotes about the journey beginning with baby steps, but I want you to ponder this one dearly by my dear Dr. Seuss:

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not."

Sink your teeth into the idea that it's up to you, baby.  It's your job.  It's a daily job, and lots of times, it's sorta no fun.  But there's no workaround.  I have spent a lifetime working with people who spend tonsssss of money on workarounds, only to conclude that there's no "quick fix" or "miracle" or even "diet du jour" that is the answer.  They come to me, whining and frustrated, because nothing "works" for them.  I hate the broken record aspect of this, but the truth - and the answer - is simple:  food works. Every single time.  The right food choices, in the right amounts, at the right time, works.

So it is with a Spring Break state of mind that wish this for you, dear friends.   Whisper it, write it on a notecard and tape it to your mirror, do whatever you do with your other inspirational messages.

"I want to take charge of my body today." "I get to choose food that will fuel my mission."

And to close with another wonderfully appropriate Dr. Seuss quote, "Today you are You, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive you is Youer than You."

Happy Spring Break!

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