Saturday, April 2, 2011


Folks, there's a fine art to eavesdropping.  It is one of my gifts, and I can't tell you how many gems I have this one....

I was just up at mom's helping her with lunch.  God love her, she's in a "memory care unit" for residents dealing with Alzheimer's or demetia-related issues.  I could go on and on about that, but for now, I'll just say that the mind is an AMAZING thing to behold, and I'm fascinated by what is playing out.  She's very chatty and happy, so it's a blessing that I still have to look forward to when I visit.  She doesn't know she has 2 kids, (don't feel sorry for me) but when they served her lunch, the 55-year-ago chief dietician at John Sealy Hospital in Galveston, Texas came out.  She remarked about the balance of lunch (chicken breast, 1/2 cup of broccoli, small green salad with ranch and a piece of Texas toast, whole milk and cheesecake for dessert, if you're wondering) and how lovely everything was presented.  She still has the manners of a Southern Belle too....thanking them graciously for the delicious meal and for having heart is smiling.

But this post isnt' about my precious mama.  It's about 2 of the wonderful aides that work there.  (If you don't think THAT'S a calling, you haven't spent any time in a nursing home lately.)  They were ordering pizza for lunch and they were going to split it.  They could agree on the topping (Meat lover's) but were arguing over what kind of crust. Here's where my ears perked up.

One said that she didn't care what kind of crust because it was the crust that was "bad" for you.  All she cared about was the extra meat, extra cheese and extra sauce.  The other one was stunned that extra meat/extra cheese lady didn't know that the toppings were why she had her "bodacious booty" and the crust was what was "good" for you.  And at that, she ordered deep dish.

Oh my goodness, talk about restraint.  I had to hold my lips together to keep from telling them both they were crazy wrong.

But it only convinced me further that people REALLY DON'T KNOW.  There have been so many crazy fads that have swept the nation that it's no wonder one is praising all protein and fat (no matter how much---I guess that's why she ordered "extra?") and the other is saying that the crust is "good" for her and if thin crust is good, then deep dish must be GREAT?

The truth is, it boils down to calories in.  Calories in your mouth.  Calories you swallow.  The formula is simple: calories IN, less calories BURNED (not necessarily in the gym) is calories you KEEP.  If you take more calories in than you use up, your body stores the extra.  If you don't take enough in, your body turns to the reserves to fuel itself.

There is a moderate compromise I could've offered, had I stuck my nose in their business.  I would've said, "thin crust, no extra meat or cheese, a few vegies on the top, and 2 pieces each."  But I didn't butt in.  (Amazing, I know!)

However, I couldn't get home fast enough to blog about it. Enjoy your beautiful Saturday, folks.  I'm going to walk around a gorgeous lake with one of my favorite people, then I have a hot date with sweet Joe tonight to celebrate some good tidings!

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