Friday, March 25, 2011

Lullaby and Goodnight!

I read in USA Today that on average, tired people eat more.  Around 300 calories more.  This, from a study--likely a very expensive study--conducted by a team of experts who I guess were curious?  (You know it’s abuse to point out a problem without offering a solution, right?)
Could’ve saved them a whole lot of studying.  Think about the last time you were tired.  Or is it right now?  Can you think about fixing yourself a nutritious, healthy, nurturing meal?  
If you can, do you know that you have all the ingredients and won’t have to stop at Kroger on the way home?  
If you have all the ingredients, will you get home in time to cook, eat and clean up before it’s past your bedtime, which if you don’t meet will layer tomorrow’s tired onto today’s?
Only 2 ways around this, friends:
One is to get more sleep.  
Wow, brilliant, right? Yes.  Schedule it and with your red sharpie, circle it and star it and exclamation point it.
The other is to plan for tired.  That means you sit down and plan the week's menu and subsequent grocery list, all created at a time when you AREN’T draggin’ a**.  
It’s Friday night, and for all my good intentions, I couldn’t face the kitchen and the firey fish tacos tonight.  Guess what we ordered in?

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