Thursday, January 13, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

Day #2
Welcome back, oh water-logged friends!  Check in.  Physically, do you feel (or look) better, worse or the same?  Mentally, what’s going on up there?  Can you concentrate longer?  Are your thoughts harsh or kind about what you are attempting to do?  
I know it’s soon.  I know that after only drinking water for one day, little change is going to be evident.  But while you’re sipping on your first glass today, consider this.  How did Rome get built?  (One stone at a time.)  How did you learn to walk?  (One step at a time.)  Get it?  One habit at a time, and you’ll be a new person.  Trust in this.
So now what?  Today’s challenge is another “start this”.  The “stop that” days are coming soon.
Eat breakfast. 
Now just like that, your brain went to either one of two places.  For you, “I already eat breakfast...what’s the big deal?” people, hang on.  We’ll tweak in a minute.
For you, “I never eat breakfast, never have, hate breakfast food” diehards, consider these facts:
  1. Your body, like the car it is compared to, runs on fuel.  We all know that mileage on the highway is better than city driving because we don’t start and stop on the open road.  Just as you would run better and more efficiently if you didn’t starve and stuff with your meals.  You’ll learn about the simplicity of your metabolism if you read for a few weeks.
  2. You don’t eat breakfast.  So the first time you DO eat, you have an “I haven’t eaten all day” sense of entitlement, and you aren’t picky choosy about what, or how much you eat when you do break your fast.
  3. Who says breakfast food has to be the usual?  There is NO breakfast po po  (I will start a glossary.  Po po=police.)
For you, “I already eat breakfast” folks, alright alright!  Now take an honest look at WHAT you’re eating and think about these things:
  1. If you are eating anything that’s coated with sugar or has obvious runny, gooey sugar on it, you are wreaking havoc on your poor blood sugar.  (Who hasn’t heard of the midmorning slumps?  Not rocket science here:  you blood sugar peaked about an hour before that, and has crashed to the basement!)
  2. If you are driving through some gross fast food place and getting your breakfast in a greasy white sack, that’s worse than not eating at all.  I’m going to blow your mind here and ask you to learn (or remember) one  simple thing.  There’s only a certain amount of food your body needs on a daily basis, and anything over that amount goes where all extra calories live:  (insert here your own body geography.  Mine goes straight to my rear end.)  If you haven’t taken the time to investigate the nutritional value of fast food fare, pull your head out of the sand and do it today. 
Go to the grocery store, then come home and make friends with your kitchen again.  I will pound that home bunches and bunches throughout the next year.  At the grocery, pick up things like fruit, a loaf of whole grain bread, low fat cream cheese, along with some low fat cheese slices, some bacon and eggs (yes, bacon.  How on earth we find ourselves thinking 2 slices of crisply cooked bacon is “worse” for you than eating a big ole burrito stuffed with eggs, sausage and cheese is beyond my comprehension) some real fruit, a few yogurts, some low fat milk and a box of cereal that is yummy, but good for you.  ***If you don’t know how to figure that out, don’t feel bad.  A future blog will explain that for you.  For now, ask!
Then eat a little.  Fix yourself a nice little plate of something, take a moment, and sit down and eat.  Don’t tell me you don’t have the time.  Yes you do, if you make the time.
See you tomorrow!  I’m going to fix my 2 egg omelette with melted cheese, a slice of toast and an orange.  And here’s how:
In a small saute pan, spray well with Pam.  In a small bowl, crack 2 eggs (or 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites, which cuts down the fat  and cholesterol from eliminating the yolk) and whip with a fork.  Over medium high heat, pour the egg mixture and let sit.  Tear one slice of low-fat cheese (Laughing Cow is yummmmy!) and let melt on top of your untouched eggs. If you have any fresh spinach, top your eggs with this as well as the cheese for some extra nutrients!  (Thanks Barbara!)
When the gloss of the eggs is gone, flip halfway over and let melt and cook a little longer.  Top with salsa, natch!


  1. Started eating yogurt, granola and blueberries for about a year, now! Yeah ME! Never ate breakfast before. Really hard to eat before 10:00am. And, I learned you don't need to eat much. Just a few bites of each is good, right?

  2. What I eat for breakfast. I take a half of a frozen banana,put it in the blender with a handful of ice,big handful of fresh spinach,a handful( handful to me is about 2 oz.) of frozen or fresh strawberries,black berries,raspberries or blueberries.I pick 2 kinds usually to equal about a half of a cup, put 1/4 cup of yogurt and about a 1/2 cup of something I get at the store and it is vanilla chai tea by Bolthouse farms and it is a non dairy protein soy milk.this makes enough for two 6 oz. Glasses.One for me,one for Ken. I only eat to full so if I am full after drinking half I put in the fridge,break it out for a snack again,add ice and blend again.
